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AS1 Social Media Strategy Slide


Categories: Social Media Strategy, Audience Insights


Company: Publicis NY (New York, NY)


Client: AbbVie pharmaceuticals


Campaign: "Painfully Wrong"


Role: Social Media Strategist


Goals: Increase Community Engagement, Drive Website Quiz Completions

Provide AS patients with valuable social content to help inform diagnosis & treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic, inflammatory disease that primarily attacks the spine, but can also cause pain and stiffness in other areas of the body, like shoulder blades, hips, and feet. There’s no one definitive test to diagnose AS and it’s often confused with mechanical back pain—the kind caused by injury or physical strain.


My role as Social Media Strategist was to develop Facebook & Instagram content briefs using social listening insights I archived from online forums. Unbranded pharma content faces a laundry list of advertising regulations, something that forced us to think carefully on how we wanted to bring the AS community together using social media.


The AS community is tight-knit group of people who lament at the fact that AS is a disease most people never heard of. We were able to develop a social strategy deeply rooted in community engagement, all while producing posts used to drive website quiz completions that help identify AS symptoms. Other activities included assisting with the website rebrand and facilitating paid content with media agencies.

AS1 Social Media Purpose Slide
AS1 Content Insights
Face Your Back Pain Website
AS1 Facebook Post
AS1 Facebook Post
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